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foreign teacher 鹰潭贝贝国际少儿英语 (Best Baby International English Co.,Ltd)
2019-08-30 - 2022-05-30
No Accommodation
BestBest BabyBaby InternationalInternational EnglishEnglish Ltd.Ltd. isis aa professionalprofessional EnglishEnglish languagelanguage teachingteaching school.school. WeWe focusfocus onon providingproviding aa widewide rangerange ofof EnglishEnglish languagelanguage learninglearning opportunitiesopportunities forfor childrenchildren agedaged fromfrom
33 toto 12.12.
eveningsevenings andand weekendsweekends soso teachersteachers willwill bebe scheduledscheduled toto workwork accordingly.accordingly. AccordingAccording toto thethe schoolschool curriculum,curriculum, wewe willwill arrangearrange foreignforeign teachersteachers twotwo daysdays offoff perper week.week. TheThe exceptionexception toto thisthis scheduleschedule wouldwould bebe otherother summersummer lessons.lessons. YourYour recruiterrecruiter cancan telltell youyou moremore detailsdetails ofof thisthis specialspecial program.program. EssentialEssential RequirementsRequirements AllAll teachersteachers mustmust meetmeet thethe followingfollowing criteriacriteria beforebefore employmentemployment withwith BestBest BabyBaby InternationalInternational EnglishEnglish Co.,LtdCo.,Ltd .. BBIEBBIE hiringhiring policypolicy compliescomplies withwith ChineseChinese governmentgovernment regulations;regulations; thereforetherefore thethe qualificationsqualifications areare neitherneither optionaloptional nornor negotiable:negotiable: NativeNative EnglishEnglish speaker,wespeaker,we needneed PurePure pronunciationpronunciationBachelorBachelor’’ss degreedegreeTEFLTEFL oror TESOLTESOL certificatecertificate (ask(ask youryour recruiterrecruiter aboutabout howhow wewe cancan assistassist youyou withwith this)this)HolderHolder ofof aa validvalid passportpassport withwith atat leastleast 66 monthsmonths untiluntil expiryexpiryBetweenBetween thethe agesages ofof 2424 andand 5555